The idea of drinking water before bedtime can either help you relax or lead to more bathroom trips at night. Some people find it calming and think it helps when they have a cold or feel congested. However, drinking too much water before bed can make you wake up frequently to use the bathroom, affecting your sleep.

This brings us to the next question.

Should You Drink Water Before Bed?

The practice of consuming water before bedtime is subjective in its effect on sleep. While some individuals experience improved sleep by drinking a glass of water before bed, others might encounter sleep disturbances due to this habit. Delving into the scientific relationship between hydration and sleep can assist in determining the most suitable approach for individual needs and preferences.

Should You Drink Water Before Bed

Should You Drink Water Before Bed?

Staying hydrated can affect how well you sleep, but it’s hard to say for sure since it also depends on each person's metabolism and physical health. With this article, we hope to give you more insight into how water and sleep are connected, and whether or not drinking water before bed is beneficial for your sleep.

How Does Drinking Water Before Bed Impact Sleep?

The impact of drinking water before bedtime on sleep involves a delicate balance. Our bodies naturally regulate urine production during sleep; however, excessive fluid intake can surpass this limit, leading to nighttime bathroom visits that disrupt the sleep cycle. Factors such as stress, existing sleep disorders, or insufficient sleep may exacerbate this effect, increasing the likelihood of waking up to urinate.

Drinking Water Before Bed Impact Sleep

Drinking Water Before Bed Impact Sleep

Research suggests a reciprocal relationship between sleep and hydration. Inadequate sleep might contribute to dehydration, further intertwining these processes. Interestingly, a study conducted on mice indicated that the inclination to drink more in the evening might be a part of the natural sleep-wake cycle, potentially preventing overnight dehydration.

It's not uncommon to experience thirst before bedtime, and while mild dehydration might not directly impact the sleep of generally healthy individuals, maintaining proper hydration levels does support bodily systems that can influence sleep.

A trusted source supporting this information can be found in a review article published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition" by Stookey, J.D. et al., titled "A review of the science of hydration relevant to health." This review delves into the intricate relationship between hydration and various bodily functions, including the potential impact on sleep.

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Benefits of Drinking Water Before Bed

Water is an indispensable element for the human body, playing a pivotal role in waste removal, joint lubrication, temperature regulation, and safeguarding sensitive tissues. It is advised that adults should typically drink 2.5 to 4.5 liters of water per day, depending on their body weight and amount of exercise. This intake can be fulfilled through plain water or other sources such as fruits, herbal teas, and various fluids.

The advantages of drinking water extend beyond mere hydration. It serves as a preventive measure against headaches and aids in regulating body temperature through sweating, particularly in warmer climates. In hotter regions, increased nighttime sweating can lead to potential dehydration, making the intake of water before bed a supportive habit to counteract this and facilitate the necessary decrease in core body temperature, which promotes sleepiness.

Strategic Bedtime Hydration

There are specific scenarios where drinking water before bedtime could be advantageous. For instance, for some individuals, a bedtime routine that involves consuming hot water might induce relaxation. Moreover, in cases of cold or flu, a glass of hot water could potentially alleviate symptoms, aiding in achieving restful sleep. Additionally, individuals experiencing nasal congestion, which leads to increased water loss through mouth breathing, might benefit from consuming water before bedtime to replenish lost fluids.

Bear in mind that the information presented here are basic guidelines and may vary depending on specific situations and medical problems. To get more detailed insights, please visit trustworthy sources such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A licensed dietician or other healthcare expert is strongly suggested for specialized and in-depth counsel tailored to your unique needs.

Considerations Regarding Drinking Water Before Bed

While maintaining hydration during the day offers numerous advantages, consuming water just before bedtime can lead to sleep disturbances for certain individuals.


Defined as waking up multiple times during the night to urinate, nocturia can significantly disrupt the sleep cycle. It's been linked to reduced productivity, a higher chance of falls and accidents, and possible impacts on mental health, including feelings of depression. Drinking too much water before going to bed might cause nocturia, especially if you have renal disease, diabetes, or are using diuretic drugs.

To decrease the likelihood of experiencing nocturia, you can consider:

  • Limit your evening fluid intake.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic drinks, caffeine, and even sugary beverages before bedtime.
  • Consult with your doctor about the potential to take diuretic medications in the morning instead.
  • Keep a record of your nightly fluid consumption, which includes watery foods like fruit, to recognize any patterns between fluid intake and nighttime urination. If you continue to experience frequent nighttime visits to the bathroom even after cutting down on evening water intake, it's advisable to discuss this with your doctor.

Nocturnal Enuresis

As a component of a comprehensive treatment approach, minimizing evening fluid intake might assist in lessening occurrences of nocturnal enuresis. Whether bedwetting is a concern or not, it is advisable to empty the bladder one final time just before going to sleep.

Finding the best approach for you involves understanding how bedtime water intake can impact your sleep and health. Still, feeling unsure? It's always a good idea to chat with a healthcare professional or a dietitian. They can offer advice tailored to your needs, helping you make informed decisions about drinking water before bedtime.

Bottom Line

Though there are advantages to consuming water before bedtime, it can disrupt sleep by prompting frequent awakenings to urinate. If you experience intense thirst before sleeping, opting for a small glass of water may assist in managing through the night. And no matter how you put it, the primary aim should be to maintain hydration throughout the day, the more consistent you drink throughout the day, the less likely you overdrink before bedtime.  

To minimize nighttime thirst, it's advisable to avoid consuming overly salty, sweet, or spicy foods. Especially if signs of dehydration such as thirst, dry mouth or skin, or dark urine are noticeable, it's crucial to increase water intake.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your bedroom can help prevent excessive sweating. If concerns about nighttime urination or water intake arise, consulting with a doctor is recommended. They can potentially identify and address any underlying conditions that might be contributing to these issues.

November 08, 2023 — Four Leaf

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