Mineral water is extracted from underground sources. It differs from regular water in that it is not subjected to chemical treatment.

Mineral water, as the name implies, is rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and sodium. But is it truly superior to regular water, and what are the benefits of mineral?

Mineral water vs. regular water

Due to potential health benefits, mineral water is frequently chosen by consumers. Water is necessary for all living things to survive. In addition to supporting important bodily processes, it also offers essential nutrients that our systems are unable to create on their own.

mineral water has possible health benefits.

People often choose mineral water cause its possible health benefits.

Although most individuals in the United States have access to safe drinking water, many people prefer bottled mineral water because they believe it is purer and has more health advantages.

The differences between mineral and normal water

Current evidence indicates that the differences are not particularly significant. Both forms of water have minerals and have been processed in some way. However, mineral water is bottled at the source and by definition must have a specific amount of minerals.

Tap water

The water we get from our household taps comes from either surface or underground sources.

Tap water

Tap water contains some added minerals

The Safe Drinking Water Act, which is overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), requires that tap water in the US must adhere to certain standards. These requirements guarantee that the amount of pollutants in the water delivered to residences is kept to a minimum.

Public water providers draw the water from its source and treat it at water treatment facilities where it is chemically disinfected. After treatment, a system of underground pipes transports the clean water to our dwellings.

Tap water contains some added minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Hard tap water has more minerals, which some people think is healthier. However, the minerals in hard water can form deposits that may damage pipes or reduce water flow.

Despite the efforts of public water suppliers, there is a risk of contaminants from rusted or leaking pipes that can affect the quality of our drinking water.

Related: Which One Is Safer? Bottled Water or Tap Water?

Mineral water

Mineral water has a higher mineral content than tap water since it comes from subterranean natural reservoirs and springs. The FDA states that manufacturers are not permitted to add minerals to mineral water; it must have a minimum of 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids.

Minerals that are often present in mineral water

Minerals that are often present in mineral water

Mineral water frequently contains the following minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, iron, and zinc. Due to its apparent purity and absence of chemical treatments, mineral water is bottled at the source as opposed to tap water, which some people prefer. However, processing mineral water may involve adding or removing carbon dioxide (CO2) gas or removing dangerous elements like arsenic.

CO2 in mineral water helps prevent oxidation and bacterial growth. Natural carbonation comes from the source, but manufacturers can also infuse their water with CO2 after extraction.

Read More: 15 Benefits of Drinking Water

Benefits of drinking mineral water

A source of magnesium

Magnesium is an essential component that supports the regulation of blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and nerve function. It can be found in both bottled mineral water and tap water.

A source of magnesium

A source of magnesium

Magnesium concentrations in water vary depending on the source, ranging from 1 mg/l to more than 120 mg. The suggested daily intake of magnesium for adults is: Adult males and females should take 400–420 mg. However, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements, the majority of Americans do not get enough magnesium.

Insufficient magnesium can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, weakness, and loss of appetite. Severe deficiency may cause numbness, tingling, muscle cramps, low calcium or potassium levels, mood changes, irregular heartbeat, and seizures.

Lowering blood pressure

High blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and erratic heartbeats are all possible consequences of low magnesium levels. The risk of cardiovascular disease may be lowered by consuming magnesium-rich mineral water.

Lowering blood pressure

Drinking water help lowering blood pressure

One liter of mineral water per day, according to a 2004 study on 70 persons with borderline hypertension and insufficient magnesium levels, was shown to lower blood pressure.

Regulating blood circulation

Significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, and potassium can be found in mineral water, all of which are good for blood circulation.

In addition to helping to maintain and grow strong bones, calcium also helps to control the heartbeat's rhythm and tempo.

Strengthening bones

Calcium in mineral water supports stronger bones as the body replaces old bone tissue with new bone. In adolescence, new bone forms faster than it decays, but after age 20, bone loss can exceed production, leading to weaker bones. Regular exercise and a calcium-rich diet are vital to maintain bone strength and prevent loss.

Strengthening bones

Regular exercise and a calcium-rich diet are vital

 A 2017 study found that calcium-rich mineral water increases the body's calcium supply. Additionally, magnesium, which is also important for strong bones, was linked to higher bone density in older women in a 2014 study.

Promoting digestive health

Having an adequate amount of magnesium in the diet can aid in preventing constipation and promoting a healthy digestive system. Magnesium helps the intestines suck water in, improving the consistency of the feces. Additionally, it supports regular bowel motions by assisting with gut muscular relaxation.

Promoting digestive health

Drinking mineral water promoting digestive health

Drinking mineral water with magnesium and sodium sulfates led to more frequent bowel movements and improved quality of life for people who were constipated, according to randomized controlled research.

Underlying Risks

Mineral water use is typically regarded as harmless, and little evidence suggests that drinking simple mineral water would have any immediate detrimental health impacts.

Carbonated mineral water includes carbonic acid, which in some people can cause hiccups or bloating. It's crucial to remember that bottled water, including mineral water, sometimes contains impurities. Mineral water must by definition include a certain quantity of microorganisms.

The sorts of bacteria present can differ because mineral water is bottled at the source and cannot go through the same disinfection process as tap water.

Danger from Plastic

Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, is included in many plastic containers and can interfere with how hormones work normally.

Another potential issue is microplastics, which are tiny plastic particles. Microplastics have been found in a variety of foods, drinks, seafood items, beers, and table salt, according to scientists.

Researchers thoroughly analyzed the available information on the toxicity of plastic in 2018. The authors stated that microplastics discovered in bottled mineral water do not appear to constitute a safety issue, although they acknowledge the need for more research.

Teeth Damage from Carbonated Water 

It's possible for sparkling or carbonated water to damage tooth enamel. Carbonated water is mildly acidic because it has a lower pH than ordinary water. According to a recent study, enamel hardness in a lab setting significantly decreased when carbonated water from a soda carbonator was employed.

Teeth Damage from Carbonated Water

Teeth Damage from Carbonated Water

However, drinking carbonated water has less of an effect on your teeth than consuming soda. According to a different study, sparkling water—both flavored and unflavored—is better for your teeth's enamel than soda.

Environmental Concerns

There is a serious problem with the mineral water container. The widespread manufacture of plastic bottles causes pollution and has negative environmental effects.

Researchers evaluated the effects of ordinary water treatment, mineral water in plastic bottles, and mineral water in glass bottles on the environment in a 2016 study.

According to the analysis, treating tap water was the most environmentally beneficial choice. The researchers also discovered that manufacturing glass bottles required the most energy and raw material input.

References: epa.gov, accessdata.fda.gov, ods.od.nih.gov, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

August 02, 2023 — Four Leaf

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