In this article, we'll look at the safety and health benefits of distilled water, which is purified to remove contaminants, minerals, and nutrients. To determine its suitability as part of a balanced diet, we will compare its qualities to those of other types of water.

Is distilled water safe and healthy to drink?

The safety and health benefits of distilled water


Because water has no calories or sugar, it is a better choice than sodas and fruit juices to keep hydrated. Sodas and fruit juices usually contain a lot of sugar, which actually removes water from the body.

While reaching for a glass of water may seem simple, there are many different types of water available to drink, including:

Each type of water has advantages and disadvantages. Distilled water is created by distilling steam from boiling water. Minerals and other impurities are removed from the water by boiling it, resulting in "purer" distilled water. As a result, some people believe that drinking distilled water can aid in the removal of unwanted chemicals from the body. Others, on the other hand, believe that the minerals found in drinking water are essential for good health.

The Safety and Purity of Distilled Water

Distilled water is the result of a stringent purification process that effectively removes contaminants, minerals, and nutrients.

As a result, it is safe to drink and provides a pure and pristine form of water.

The Safety and Purity of Distilled Water

The Safety and Purity of Distilled Water

Distilled water is fundamentally similar to other types of purified water. The primary distinction is the method of purification used. Distillation, an age-old process, is an efficient method of purifying water. However, it is a relatively complex procedure that cannot be performed at home without the use of a water distillation machine.

Notably, many coastal municipalities use distillation facilities to treat seawater, making it safe for residents to drink.

Is Distilled Water Safe for Consumption?

Distilled water is generally considered safe to drink, especially when combined with a healthy diet. Obtaining hydration and essential nutrients from various sources is commonplace for people in developed countries who follow a varied and nutritious diet. Healthy adults who eat a well-balanced diet can use distilled water as their preferred method of water purification without incident. 

What Are the Risks Associated with Drinking Distilled Water?

The primary dangers of drinking only distilled water stem from its lack of essential minerals such as magnesium and calcium.

Related: Health Benefits of Mineral Water

What Are the Risks Associated with Drinking Distilled Water?

What Are the Risks Associated with Drinking Distilled Water?

According to a previous World Health Organization (WHO) report, some of the potential negative effects of drinking only distilled or low-mineral water include:

- A flat taste that may turn off some people.

- A decrease in the metabolic function of the body.

- An increase in urine output, which may cause an electrolyte imbalance.

According to WHO, the lack of minerals and electrolytes in distilled water contributes to these and other health problems. This absence can lead to unhealthy changes in the body's delicate balance of sodium, potassium, fluid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and other essential nutrients.

Distilled water is deficient in minerals and cannot replenish those lost through sweating. A balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, should suffice to prevent deficiencies, making it safe to drink distilled water as part of such a diet.

Potential benefits of drinking distilled water

Drinking distilled water may provide a variety of benefits, making it an appealing option for some people. One notable advantage is the perception that it can help cleanse the body due to its pure, additive-free nature. 

Potential benefits of drinking distilled water

Potential benefits of drinking distilled water

While scientific evidence on the extent to which distilled water consumption contributes to body detoxification is limited, many people believe it does. Furthermore, distilled water reduces the risk of waterborne diseases because the distillation process effectively eliminates waterborne pathogens, including disease-causing bacteria, resulting in a safer drinking water option for health-conscious people.

Distilled water goes through a thorough distillation process that completely removes any such chemicals, making it a popular choice for those who want to avoid any traces of potentially harmful substances in their drinking water. 

It is essential to note that while distilled water may provide these advantages, maintaining a balanced diet that incorporates a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables is vital for overall health and hydration. 

The combination of distilled water and a nutritious diet can work synergistically to support overall well-being. Ultimately, the decision to drink distilled water should be based on individual preferences and health considerations, and it is always advisable to seek guidance from healthcare professionals when needed.

Things to consider before drinking distilled water

When choosing drinking water, a person may want to consider the following factors.

Things to consider before drinking distilled water

Things to consider before drinking distilled water

The quality of the local tap water

Evaluate the safety and purity of the tap water in your area to ensure it meets health standards. Consider conducting water quality tests or referring to local water reports for reliable information. Also, address any concerns about contaminants or potential health risks associated with tap water.

Read More: Bottled Water or Tap Water is Safer?

Taste preference

Take your personal taste preferences into account when choosing a drinking water source. Some individuals may prefer the taste of filtered or bottled water over tap water due to differences in mineral content and filtration processes. Experimenting with various water sources is also a way to find the one that suits your taste best.

The quality of vitamins and minerals in the diet

Assess whether the chosen drinking water source contributes to your overall nutrient intake.

Or you can consider if your diet already provides sufficient vitamins and minerals, making additional supplementation through water unnecessary. Last but not least, ensure your drinking water complements your dietary needs for optimal health and well-being.

Cost point

Within your financial constraints, assess the affordability of various drinking water options. Compare the long-term costs of bottled water, filtration systems, and other tap water alternatives. In the decision-making process, let’s consider both short-term expenses and potential savings.

The availability of other types of drinking water

Explore and research various water sources, such as bottled water, distilled water, or filtered water, to understand their benefits and drawbacks. Don’t forget to make an informed choice by weighing the advantages and disadvantages of different drinking water alternatives.

ASAP, you can view this video to know the reasons why you should drink distilled water. Link Video

July 25, 2023 — Four Leaf


xrpchicken said:

When the WHO and CDC make claims that distilled water is dangerous, I know I’m on the right track of drinking distilled water!

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